Fossil Fest poster

Fossil Fest – On Saturday 10th May
we wil hold an event specifically for older climbers at Mile End Climbing Wall – a wall that also remembers the eighties. This is will be an informal competition with four age categories; 40s, 50s, 60s and 70+ with problems set with that in mind. So less ‘bouncy’ than the current trend. Of the 5 setters for the event 3 are old enough to enter the competition and 2 would not even be in the youngest category!

There won’t be any electronic scoring, showcase final or even a podium. There isn’t even an official close of the day, entry forms can be collected and handed back in anytime from 10am until we close that day. You don’t even have to hand your form in if you don’t want to though you can’t win any prizes if you don’t. There will be shoes and other prizes to be won, some will be category winners, others will be a little more random.

If you want to climb with someone younger than 40 (partner, child, grandchild, etc) that is fine too but please do not hand their form in as they are not eligible for any prizes.

If you have any questions you can call us at the shop, drop us an e-mail or even use instagram or facebook if that’s your thing.